Asociatia Window Romania
The Window Association from Romania, founded in 2008, carried out over 80% of activities that were beneficial to support
young people at risk (young people with disabilities, young people addicted to drugs).
The Window Romania Association, through its staff, has covered the expertise needed to work and develop strategies and
innovations in the art field to ensure that every young person at risk, through drug use, solves his/her personal problems that
have led to a reduction in the sense of community, an approach to life in an irrational manner, a reorientation towards world
and life.
3 members of the organization have experience in implementing and managing European projects:
Leonardo da Vinci-Mobility, Grundtvig - Partenerships, Matra Kup, Erasmus+, POS-DRU (Smarandache Ionut,Salahoru
Filomela, Gheroghe lucian). Their target audience were hearing-impaired adults. The persons involved in this project:
1.Smarandache Ionut -Psychologist and Vice President of Window Association Romania -Project Manager for: 2011
Grundtvig - Partnerships; 2012,2014 Grundtvig Workshop; 2012,2013,2014 Leonardo da Vinci -Mobility – IVT; 2014-
Strategic Partnership for adults; 2015,2016,2017,2018-Erasmus+ VET mobility; 2015,2017- Strategic Parnership for youth -
coordinates the program for the recovery of young drug addicts and carries out adlerian psychotherapy with the
beneficiaries -In the field of literacy - conducted iteracy teaching for deaf adults at Special Technological High School
Craiova (High school for deaf students) between 2004 and 2008. -In Window Association Romania conducted counselling
for adultS enrolled in literacy programme "Second Chance" between 2008 and 2012. -Experience in three projects between
2008 and 2012 within the organization and has
conducted workshops in Europe -ECDL certificate
2. Salahoru Filomela- Psychologist and art-therapeut,vicepresident of Window,coordinator of educational programs in
school, coordinator of the group of dance and pantomime- theatre for deaf youth,qualified interpreter in sign and gesture
language, didactic degree I,25 years experience in teaching deaf students,ICT competences graduate ECDL. Experience in
project: Implementation team member in Leonardo da Vinci programs in Mobility 2012,Grundtvig Partnerships 2011,
Grundtvig Workshop 2012, Matra project coordinator Kup. Experience-Member in project team -2012,2014 Grundtvig
Workshop;2013,2014 Leonardo da Vinci - Mobility – IVT;2014-Strategic Partnership for adults;
2015,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021-Erasmus+ VET mobility; 2015,2016,2017,2018- Strategic Parnership for youth
Responsibilities: researcher, responsible for certifycertifying participants, evaluation,dissemination, promotion and
3. Gheorghe Lucian- Psychologist and art-therapeut.Experience-Member in project team -2017,2018,2019. Erasmus+ VET